Performing the verification for Hirsute:
First, reproducing the bug with the version currently available:
# apt policy snmpd snmpd: Installed: 5.9+dfsg-3ubuntu1 Candidate: 5.9+dfsg-3ubuntu1 Version table: *** 5.9+dfsg-3ubuntu1 500 500 hirsute/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status # snmpd -DALL ... 9:cert:dump: 5: authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:AC:D0:13:2A:98:58:02:02:D2:BA:E9:8A:0B:F3:5A:B8:BD:6C:BB:64 not enough space or error in allocation for extenstion Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Now, updating the package to the version available in -proposed and making sure that the bug is fixed:
# apt policy snmpd snmpd: Installed: 5.9+dfsg-3ubuntu1.21.04.1 Candidate: 5.9+dfsg-3ubuntu1.21.04.1 Version table: *** 5.9+dfsg-3ubuntu1.21.04.1 500 500 hirsute-proposed/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 5.9+dfsg-3ubuntu1 500 500 hirsute/main amd64 Packages # snmpd -DALL trace: netsnmp_getaddrinfo(): system.c, 851: dns:getaddrinfo: looking up "" with hint ({ ... }) trace: netsnmp_sockaddr_in6_3(): transports/snmpIPv6BaseDomain.c, 314: netsnmp_sockaddr_in6: failed to parse Error opening specified endpoint "" Server Exiting with code 1 #
As can be seen, the segmentation fault doesn't happen anymore. Therefore, the bug has been fixed and the verification is complete.
Performing the verification for Hirsute:
First, reproducing the bug with the version currently available:
# apt policy snmpd archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu hirsute/main amd64 Packages dpkg/status ntifier = keyid:AC: D0:13:2A: 98:58:02: 02:D2:BA: E9:8A:0B: F3:5A:B8: BD:6C:BB: 64
Installed: 5.9+dfsg-3ubuntu1
Candidate: 5.9+dfsg-3ubuntu1
Version table:
*** 5.9+dfsg-3ubuntu1 500
500 http://
100 /var/lib/
# snmpd -DALL
9:cert:dump: 5: authorityKeyIde
not enough space or error in allocation for extenstion
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Now, updating the package to the version available in -proposed and making sure that the bug is fixed:
# apt policy snmpd 3ubuntu1. 21.04.1 3ubuntu1. 21.04.1 3ubuntu1. 21.04.1 500 archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu hirsute- proposed/ main amd64 Packages dpkg/status 9+dfsg- 3ubuntu1 500 archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu hirsute/main amd64 Packages getaddrinfo( ): system.c, 851: sockaddr_ in6_3() : transports/ snmpIPv6BaseDom ain.c, 314: sockaddr_ in6: failed to parse
Installed: 5.9+dfsg-
Candidate: 5.9+dfsg-
Version table:
*** 5.9+dfsg-
500 http://
100 /var/lib/
500 http://
# snmpd -DALL
trace: netsnmp_
dns:getaddrinfo: looking up "" with hint ({ ... })
trace: netsnmp_
Error opening specified endpoint ""
Server Exiting with code 1
As can be seen, the segmentation fault doesn't happen anymore. Therefore, the bug has been fixed and the verification is complete.