did you read my comment before? there is filesystem where you will have no such directory until you create one manually to say that you want one, if the system was to delete if for you every time you unmoun the drive you would have to do this work every time you plug the key, not really a win for users, the microsoft folder is already available under linux and nobody at microsoft will modify their os to delete their special directory that's not much different, that seems extra trouble, work and issue for a small cosmetic change
did you read my comment before? there is filesystem where you will have no such directory until you create one manually to say that you want one, if the system was to delete if for you every time you unmoun the drive you would have to do this work every time you plug the key, not really a win for users, the microsoft folder is already available under linux and nobody at microsoft will modify their os to delete their special directory that's not much different, that seems extra trouble, work and issue for a small cosmetic change