Comment 11 for bug 1767817

Revision history for this message
Mahendra Tallur (mahen) wrote :

Hi !

I have the same issue as I stated here :

1. I installed tracker
2. I indexed all my data (as indicated on the command line by "tracker status" / "tracker daemon")
3. I checked whether everything was properly indexed by making some queries on the command line based on the content of some text files : the command line "tracker search" command did yield the right results
4. I made the same searches from Nautilus : they yielded no result : Nautilus (and thus the shell) only seem to use the "mlocate" database and not the tracker one.

Hypothesis : the fact Ubuntu makes use of Nautilus 3.26 while the rest of the Gnome stack is 3.28 ?

Actually, did anyone manage to get Nautilus 3.26 (and thus Gnome Shell with the nautilus search provider) from Ubuntu 18.04 to use the result of the tracker indexing ? I checked all possible settings in dconf-editor and found no relevant option.

Cheers :-)