I figured this out by adding some additional exception handling in nanny-admin-console, which yielded this:
Error: Icon 'nobody' not present in theme
I used strace to discover which theme it was looking in, which yielded this (only because I added a line to print the Exception out in nanny-admin-console):
The problem is the icon it is looking for in AdminConsole.py. It is looking for 'nobody' on line 207:
207 pixbuf = icon_theme. load_icon ('nobody', 50, gtk.ICON_ LOOKUP_ USE_BUILTIN)
I figured this out by adding some additional exception handling in nanny-admin- console, which yielded this:
Error: Icon 'nobody' not present in theme
I used strace to discover which theme it was looking in, which yielded this (only because I added a line to print the Exception out in nanny-admin- console) :
2443 stat64( "/usr/share/ icons/hicolor/ index.theme" , {st_mode= S_IFREG| 0644, st_size=24671, ...}) = 0
2443 write(1, "Error: Icon 'nobody' not prese"..., 44) = 44
I checked index.theme and found a nanny icon in 16x16/apps. So, I simply substituted 'nanny' in place of 'nobody' in AdminConsole.py like so:
207 pixbuf = icon_theme. load_icon ('nanny', 50, gtk.ICON_ LOOKUP_ USE_BUILTIN)
And now the admin console starts for me. I also fixed up some of the warnings, but I don't think that had anything to do with the console starting.
Good luck.