This is a relatively old bug now, yet until I upgraded last night to 2:0.24.0~trunk-24634-0ubuntu1, I never had this issue on my Lucid box, and now I do.
I notice that is seems to impact anything related to the internal player, eg: Live/Pre-recorded TV and MythVideo. For me, the simplest solution has been to pause/unpause untilt he white noise stops.
I do not have the white noise problem with a Karmic box using the same MythTV build.
Might give ShaunS's PPA a shot to see how it goes for me tonight.
This is a relatively old bug now, yet until I upgraded last night to 2:0.24. 0~trunk- 24634-0ubuntu1, I never had this issue on my Lucid box, and now I do.
I notice that is seems to impact anything related to the internal player, eg: Live/Pre-recorded TV and MythVideo. For me, the simplest solution has been to pause/unpause untilt he white noise stops.
I do not have the white noise problem with a Karmic box using the same MythTV build.
Might give ShaunS's PPA a shot to see how it goes for me tonight.