Also, this is how it supposed to work. If gdm thinks it cannot start wayland session, it wont display Wayland option.
Why does gdm thinks Wayland session is not available you ask? Because I presume you have modesetting disabled, because installation or update for nvidia driver overwrites:
Jeremy, it's not related.
Also, this is how it supposed to work. If gdm thinks it cannot start wayland session, it wont display Wayland option.
Why does gdm thinks Wayland session is not available you ask? Because I presume you have modesetting disabled, because installation or update for nvidia driver overwrites:
/etc/modprobe. d/nvidia- graphics- drivers. conf -> /etc/alternativ es/x86_ 64-linux- gnu_nvidia_ modconf
and puts by default:
options nvidia_381_drm modeset=0
which will prevent wayland from working.