Just to document another source of Tahoma and Tahoma Bold: Office 97 Service Release 2b (23 MB) https://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=EN&id=10791
cabextract does the trick, but it's only for computers with validly licensed copies of Office, of course, and probably not redistributable at all.
Trying to find a cheap copy of MS Office 97 Developer Edition, but still no luck. I wonder if someone long ago made some redistributable freeware with ODE97 for Win 95 or such that has the tahoma and tahoma bold fonts hiding in them... Will have to look around.
Just to document another source of Tahoma and Tahoma Bold: Office 97 Service Release 2b (23 MB) /www.microsoft. com/download/ en/details. aspx?displaylan g=EN&id= 10791
cabextract does the trick, but it's only for computers with validly licensed copies of Office, of course, and probably not redistributable at all.
Trying to find a cheap copy of MS Office 97 Developer Edition, but still no luck. I wonder if someone long ago made some redistributable freeware with ODE97 for Win 95 or such that has the tahoma and tahoma bold fonts hiding in them... Will have to look around.