Comment 29 for bug 35212

Revision history for this message
In , Brendthess (brendthess) wrote :

Created attachment 121256
subset of bad prefs.js, with bad info

Installed moz 1.4a and received this error on any message create. After
tracking down this bug entry, manually edited prefs.js, finally figured out
what was wrong (a mail.account.accountX entry referring to a non-existant
mail.server.serverY and a truncated mail.identity.idZ), removed the data, and
things worked.

However, this would be very bad if a non-tech ran into this (and some non-techs
are using Mozilla). IMO, there needs to be a mechanism to parse the prefs.js
for nonsense entries and comment them out. If I had C++ experience, I would
code it myself, but I don't (nor a compiler, but that can be fixed by getting