Comment 11 for bug 1958492

Revision history for this message
Marcel Montes (spiceman) wrote (last edit ):

To test, I also added a spanish keyboard layout.

$ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources
[('ibus', 'mozc-jp'), ('xkb', 'us+intl'), ('xkb', 'jp'), ('xkb', 'es')]

If I'm using the spanish layout and switch to "Japanese (Mozc)" I end up with a -non existent- "es (mozc)" setup.
If I'm using the us international and switch to "Japanese (Mozc)" I end up with a -non existent- "us+intl (mozc)" setup.
If I'm using the japanese (no mozc) layout and switch to "Japanese (Mozc)" I end up with the proper "Japanese (Mozc)" (by chance).

This is totally inconsistent and is not how switching keyboard layouts should behave, in my opinion.