The Japanese input method setting is as follows.
1. キーボード-日本語 (Keyboard-Japanese)
2. Mozc
1. The top bar indicator is "keyboard icon +jp" → IME off
2. The top bar indicator is "あ" → IME on
A stall occurs when "IME off": "keyboard icon +jp".
It is normal when "IME on": "あ".
By the way,
For the display when the text editor is not activated,
The top bar indicator is "keyboard icon".
If you left-click here, no fault will occur.
When the text editor is running and the Japanese input method is off,
The top bar indicator is "keyboard icon +jp".
If you left-click here, a stall will occur.
When the text editor is running and the Japanese input method is on,
The top bar indicator is "あ".
If you left-click here, no fault will occur.
[Additional notes]
The keyboard is connecting the Japanese keyboard.
The Japanese input method setting is as follows.
1. キーボード-日本語 (Keyboard-Japanese)
2. Mozc
1. The top bar indicator is "keyboard icon +jp" → IME off
2. The top bar indicator is "あ" → IME on
A stall occurs when "IME off": "keyboard icon +jp".
It is normal when "IME on": "あ".
By the way,
For the display when the text editor is not activated,
The top bar indicator is "keyboard icon".
If you left-click here, no fault will occur.
When the text editor is running and the Japanese input method is off,
The top bar indicator is "keyboard icon +jp".
If you left-click here, a stall will occur.
When the text editor is running and the Japanese input method is on,
The top bar indicator is "あ".
If you left-click here, no fault will occur.