Comment 21 for bug 1087951

Revision history for this message
Helm (thehelm) wrote :

I have a similar problem, Ubuntu 12.04, mountall 2.36.4. I have a file-system (/data) with 44 sqfs-images and the mountpoints for them.

In the fstab I mount first the filesystem
/dev/vg2/datalv /data ext4 noatime 0 2

and later the images
/data/sqfs/xxxxx01.sqfs /data/xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx01 squashfs,ro loop 0 0
/data/sqfs/xxxxx44.sqfs /data/xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx44 squashfs,ro loop 0 0

I could reproduce the infinite running mountall with 100% CPU usage on about 2 out of 3 bootings.

The problem seems to go away after changing all lines in fstab containing sqfs to
/data/sqfs/xxxxx01.sqfs /data/xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx01 squashfs,ro,_netdev loop 0 0
(adding "_netdev", probably impossible workaround on a mobile computer)

So maybe mountall goes into the infinite loop while waiting on the availbility of the image-files, (*.iso or *.sqfs)?
I did not find any other option to make mount wait onto an other fs like waiting on the network.