It sort of happens with the 10.04 LTS live cd, but not exactly the same way. It initially fails to connect in the same way as my installed Ubuntu. Afterwards, however, I seem to be able to reliably make a connection manually with the live cd version, where manually making a connection with my installed version is much trickier (but eventually will succeed if I try enough times). Attached are two logs, the output of 'tail -f /var/log/*.log' while plugging/unplugging my CDMA mobile broadband adapter. The first is when using livecd, the second is when using my installed ubuntu.
The livecd log has many successful cases in it, but you can see that just after the device is plugged in, it deactivates the device with a 'reason 2' code. Perhaps this has something to do with the way the livecd doesn't want to auto connect to a mobile wireless modem, and is thus a red herring?
The installed log has no successful cases in it. After the device is plugged in, it does the same 'reason 2' deactivation. However, then it tries to connect and in fact *succeeds* in connecting. Then, for some reason, the modem-manager closes the device. After that, it does not respond to activation requests again without being unplugged and replugged.
It sort of happens with the 10.04 LTS live cd, but not exactly the same way. It initially fails to connect in the same way as my installed Ubuntu. Afterwards, however, I seem to be able to reliably make a connection manually with the live cd version, where manually making a connection with my installed version is much trickier (but eventually will succeed if I try enough times). Attached are two logs, the output of 'tail -f /var/log/*.log' while plugging/unplugging my CDMA mobile broadband adapter. The first is when using livecd, the second is when using my installed ubuntu.
The livecd log has many successful cases in it, but you can see that just after the device is plugged in, it deactivates the device with a 'reason 2' code. Perhaps this has something to do with the way the livecd doesn't want to auto connect to a mobile wireless modem, and is thus a red herring?
The installed log has no successful cases in it. After the device is plugged in, it does the same 'reason 2' deactivation. However, then it tries to connect and in fact *succeeds* in connecting. Then, for some reason, the modem-manager closes the device. After that, it does not respond to activation requests again without being unplugged and replugged.