It seems to me that this is the problem I face with my T530.
I've got fresh installation of Ubuntu 12.10 and it ALWAYS hangs during the OS startup.
Workaround: Simple CTRL+C kills the modemmanager and the booting process continues without problem.
However, it is pretty annoying so I've uninstalled modemmanager for right...
/var/log/upstart/modemmanager.log attached.
It seems to me that this is the problem I face with my T530.
I've got fresh installation of Ubuntu 12.10 and it ALWAYS hangs during the OS startup.
Workaround: Simple CTRL+C kills the modemmanager and the booting process continues without problem.
However, it is pretty annoying so I've uninstalled modemmanager for right...
/var/log/ upstart/ modemmanager. log attached.