when i try to activate the gprs context with the command atdt *99***1# the response is the one "cme error: 4" Operation not supported. the ipv6 and ipv4 are set to automatic.
Apr 8 15:08:23 ecotest-laptop modem-manager[725]: <debug> [mm-at-serial-port.c:334] debug_log(): (ttyACM0): --> 'ATD*99***1#<CR>' Apr 8 15:08:23 ecotest-laptop modem-manager[725]: <debug> [mm-at-serial-port.c:334] debug_log(): (ttyACM0): <-- '<CR><LF>+CME ERROR: 4<CR><LF>' Apr 8 15:08:23 ecotest-laptop modem-manager[725]: <debug> [mm-serial-parsers.c:448] mm_serial_parser_v1_parse(): Got failure code 4: Operation not supported
when i try to activate the gprs context with the command atdt *99***1# the response is the one "cme error: 4" Operation not supported. the ipv6 and ipv4 are set to automatic.
Apr 8 15:08:23 ecotest-laptop modem-manager[725]: <debug> [mm-at- serial- port.c: 334] debug_log(): (ttyACM0): --> 'ATD*99***1#<CR>' serial- port.c: 334] debug_log(): (ttyACM0): <-- '<CR><LF>+CME ERROR: 4<CR><LF>' parsers. c:448] mm_serial_ parser_ v1_parse( ): Got failure code 4: Operation not supported
Apr 8 15:08:23 ecotest-laptop modem-manager[725]: <debug> [mm-at-
Apr 8 15:08:23 ecotest-laptop modem-manager[725]: <debug> [mm-serial-