I just had some minor changes to reflect review
practices/comments that I have been thru myself:
- Nice catch on updating the Maintainers field.
- Changelog order of patch file/description:
I changed to file first, description later,
as I've seen as more used/standard practice.
- DEP3 headers are present in the .patch; good.
I updated from 'Origin: upstream' to 'backport'
because the patch has a removal of (unneeded)
release notes file.
Even being uneeded, there were changes to the
upstream patch, so it's no longer clean apply/
cherry pick, thus the change to 'backport',
per Debian DEP-3 spec [1]:
"backport" (in the case of an upstream patch that had to be modified to apply on the current version)
I added a '[backport]' section to the .patch
file describing that. (and this other change:)
I also noted that on Xenial there are changes
actually needed to src/server/__init__.py, so
arguably indeed a "true" backport this time.
Oh, and there's a digit missing in Bug-Ubuntu
number, just added that/goes to right URL now.
- Xenial fix on .patch file:
Still on Xenial there's an extra '+'/plus sign
in the commented line added to __init__.py, so
I fixed that one:
+++#WSGISocketRotation Off
Bionic had that right:
++#WSGISocketRotation Off
- Version numbers look good/upgrade path is OK:
- - Versions 4.3.0-1.1ubuntu1 and 4.5.17-1ubuntu1
never existed in package's publishing history [2].
Hi Dariusz,
I reviewed the debdiffs, they look good overall.
I just had some minor changes to reflect review
practices/comments that I have been thru myself:
- Nice catch on updating the Maintainers field.
- Changelog order of patch file/description:
I changed to file first, description later,
as I've seen as more used/standard practice.
- DEP3 headers are present in the .patch; good.
I updated from 'Origin: upstream' to 'backport'
because the patch has a removal of (unneeded)
release notes file.
Even being uneeded, there were changes to the
upstream patch, so it's no longer clean apply/
cherry pick, thus the change to 'backport',
per Debian DEP-3 spec [1]:
"backport" (in the case of an upstream patch that had to be modified to apply on the current version)
I added a '[backport]' section to the .patch
file describing that. (and this other change:)
I also noted that on Xenial there are changes __init_ _.py, so
actually needed to src/server/
arguably indeed a "true" backport this time.
Oh, and there's a digit missing in Bug-Ubuntu
number, just added that/goes to right URL now.
- Xenial fix on .patch file:
Still on Xenial there's an extra '+'/plus sign
in the commented line added to __init__.py, so
I fixed that one:
+++# WSGISocketRotat ion Off
Bionic had that right:
++#WSGISocke tRotation Off
- Version numbers look good/upgrade path is OK:
- - Versions 4.3.0-1.1ubuntu1 and 4.5.17-1ubuntu1
never existed in package's publishing history [2].
- - Upgrade path is OK in the same release.
$ grep -m2 urgency= x/dput/ lp1863232_ xenial_ mod-wsgi. debdiff
+mod-wsgi (4.3.0-1.1ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium
mod-wsgi (4.3.0-1.1build1) xenial; urgency=medium
$ dpkg --compare-versions 4.3.0-1.1build1 lt 4.3.0-1.1ubuntu1 ; echo $?
$ grep -m2 urgency= b/dput/ lp1863232_ bionic_ mod-wsgi. debdiff
+mod-wsgi (4.5.17-1ubuntu1) bionic; urgency=medium
mod-wsgi (4.5.17-1) unstable; urgency=medium
$ dpkg --compare-versions 4.5.17-1 lt 4.5.17-1ubuntu1; echo $?
- - Upgrade path is OK across releases (t/x/b/e)
$ rmadison -a source mod-wsgi | grep -e trusty -e eoan 1.14.04. 2 | trusty-security | source 1.14.04. 2 | trusty-updates | source
mod-wsgi | 3.4-4ubuntu2 | trusty | source
mod-wsgi | 3.4-4ubuntu2.
mod-wsgi | 3.4-4ubuntu2.
mod-wsgi | 4.6.5-1 | eoan
$ dpkg --compare-versions 3.4-4ubuntu2. 1.14.04. 2 lt 4.3.0-1.1ubuntu1 ; echo $?
$ dpkg --compare-versions 4.3.0-1.1ubuntu1 lt 4.5.17-1ubuntu1; echo $?
$ dpkg --compare-versions 4.5.17-1ubuntu1 lt 4.6.5-1 ; echo $?
That's it!
[1] https:/ /dep-team. pages.debian. net/deps/ dep3/ /launchpad. net/ubuntu/ +source/ mod-wsgi/ +publishinghist ory
[2] https:/