All profiles are active, but rendering is still impossible.
x264 rendering crashes:
Rendering of /home/psycho/kdenlive/1.mp4 crashed
consumer_avformat.c: audio codec libfaac unrecognised - ignoring
consumer_avformat.c: video codec libx264 unrecognised - ignoring
consumer_avformat.c: Unable to encode audio - disabling audio output.
other profiles producing either empty (~10-500KB) files or video with only big "INVALID" frame.
All profiles are active, but rendering is still impossible. kdenlive/ 1.mp4 crashed avformat. c: audio codec libfaac unrecognised - ignoring avformat. c: video codec libx264 unrecognised - ignoring avformat. c: Unable to encode audio - disabling audio output.
x264 rendering crashes:
Rendering of /home/psycho/
other profiles producing either empty (~10-500KB) files or video with only big "INVALID" frame.