I encountered this numerous times tonight using 2.2 with RGB (GL) waveforms on XWayland with Qt 5.11.1-9.fc29.x86_64, libX11 1.6.7-1.fc29.x86_64, libxcb 1.13.1-1.fc29.x86_64. I haven't figured out what triggers it. IMO this is a release blocker for 2.2.0.
I encountered this numerous times tonight using 2.2 with RGB (GL) waveforms on XWayland with Qt 5.11.1- 9.fc29. x86_64, libX11 1.6.7-1. fc29.x86_ 64, libxcb 1.13.1- 1.fc29. x86_64. I haven't figured out what triggers it. IMO this is a release blocker for 2.2.0.