/usr/bin/mvn clean install fails, while ~/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin/mvn clean install works.
It turns out that the 'real' bug in my project is that yes, the tag <finalName> is not allowed according to the XSD - and in fact I get the same error if I use <soup> instead. The question is why is Ubuntu Maven strict on this, while standalone Apache Maven is not? Different XML libraries?
See attached mini-project.
/usr/bin/mvn clean install fails, while ~/apache- maven-2. 2.1/bin/ mvn clean install works.
It turns out that the 'real' bug in my project is that yes, the tag <finalName> is not allowed according to the XSD - and in fact I get the same error if I use <soup> instead. The question is why is Ubuntu Maven strict on this, while standalone Apache Maven is not? Different XML libraries?