jtuchscherer exactly made the point. Maven handles the depenendencies on its own. Those deb deps will outdate anyway. If you want to avoid unecessary downloads, install Nexus locally and it will handle everything for you.
Let apt-get handle the Maven installation only and not interfere with its dependency system. I won't go through every dep but virtually 80 % of them are useless moreover, I am not able to purge my local repo since there prepared artifacts always remain.
jtuchscherer exactly made the point. Maven handles the depenendencies on its own. Those deb deps will outdate anyway. If you want to avoid unecessary downloads, install Nexus locally and it will handle everything for you.
Let apt-get handle the Maven installation only and not interfere with its dependency system. I won't go through every dep but virtually 80 % of them are useless moreover, I am not able to purge my local repo since there prepared artifacts always remain.