Hi Brian,
I've done some work to get openstack regression testing coverage, specifically: https://github.com/openstack-charmers/charmed-openstack-tester/commit/bcc923acefc67f09e0dccc852fc020abed359ac9
Also, and not a requirement, but I've submitted for main inclusion of manila: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/manila/+bug/1975493
Thanks, Corey
Hi Brian,
I've done some work to get openstack regression testing coverage, specifically: https:/ /github. com/openstack- charmers/ charmed- openstack- tester/ commit/ bcc923acefc67f0 9e0dccc852fc020 abed359ac9
Also, and not a requirement, but I've submitted for main inclusion of manila: https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ manila/ +bug/1975493