Present in /etc/fstab. RAID array is started correctly at boot, but the logical volume is not activated. After vgchange -a y, mount -a puts things right. With 'ENV{ID_FS_TYPE}=="lvm*|LVM*"' removed from 85-lvm2.rules file, boots smoothly with the logical volume correctly mounted.
No, evidently this will never be fixed. :-) Confirmed still a problem in Intrepid.
Seb's suggested change fixes the problem for me, although I'm not sure what that clause is trying to protect against.
Details: nonroot RAID5 array -> /dev/md_d1 -> fastfive volume group -> /dev/fastfive/lvol0 -> /mnt/fastfive
Present in /etc/fstab. RAID array is started correctly at boot, but the logical volume is not activated. After vgchange -a y, mount -a puts things right. With 'ENV{ID_ FS_TYPE} =="lvm* |LVM*"' removed from 85-lvm2.rules file, boots smoothly with the logical volume correctly mounted.