Note that most of these 'restricted shells' tend to be .. porous. If you want to use one, it'd be a good idea to wrap it in an AppArmor profile that would provide belt-and-suspenders approach. e.g., this untested profile would probably solve the issue for you:
Just add rules for whatever you'd like it to support.
Save it in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.lshell and reload it with sudo systemctl reload apparmor.service. Check dmesg output for DENIED lines and amend as needed.
Note that most of these 'restricted shells' tend to be .. porous. If you want to use one, it'd be a good idea to wrap it in an AppArmor profile that would provide belt-and-suspenders approach. e.g., this untested profile would probably solve the issue for you:
/usr/bin/lshell {
#include <abstractions/base>
/usr/bin/lshell rmix, lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ r, lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ lshell- 0.9.17. egg-info r, lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ lshell/ r, lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ lshell/ ** r, bin/python2. 7 rmix,
/etc/lshell.conf r,
/bin/ls rmix,
Just add rules for whatever you'd like it to support.
Save it in /etc/apparmor. d/usr.bin. lshell and reload it with sudo systemctl reload apparmor.service. Check dmesg output for DENIED lines and amend as needed.