Maybe others are willing to test on other ubuntu 16.04 flavors what I came up with to make GE run on ubuntu 16.04 64 beta2:
cd ~/Downloads wget wget wget sudo dpkg -i lsb-security_4.1+Debian11ubuntu8_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i lsb-core_4.1+Debian11ubuntu8_amd64.deb sudo apt install -f sudo dpkg -i google-earth-stable_current_amd64.deb sudo apt-get install libfreeimage3 libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 # credit to mr. amirpli from Google Products forum from here on (otherwise GE crashes and/or doesn't display the panoramio pics) cd /opt/google/earth/free sudo wget sudo tar xvf ge7.1.1.1580-0.x86_64-new-qt-libs-debian7-ubuntu12.tar.xz google-earth
Maybe others are willing to test on other ubuntu 16.04 flavors what I came up with to make GE run on ubuntu 16.04 64 beta2:
cd ~/Downloads launchpadlibrar 176607818/ lsb-security_ 4.1+Debian11ubu ntu8_amd64. deb launchpadlibrar 176607810/ lsb-core_ 4.1+Debian11ubu ntu8_amd64. deb / com/dl/ earth/client/ current/ google- earth-stable_ current_ amd64.deb 4.1+Debian11ubu ntu8_amd64. deb 4.1+Debian11ubu ntu8_amd64. deb earth-stable_ current_ amd64.deb plugins- base0.10- 0 earth/free /googledrive. com/host/ 0B2F__nkihfiNal QzN0ZmcjBPTGs/ ge7.1.1. 1580-0. x86_64- new-qt- libs-debian7- ubuntu12. tar.xz 1580-0. x86_64- new-qt- libs-debian7- ubuntu12. tar.xz
wget http://
wget http://
wget https:/
sudo dpkg -i lsb-security_
sudo dpkg -i lsb-core_
sudo apt install -f
sudo dpkg -i google-
sudo apt-get install libfreeimage3 libgstreamer-
# credit to mr. amirpli from Google Products forum from here on (otherwise GE crashes and/or doesn't display the panoramio pics)
cd /opt/google/
sudo wget https:/
sudo tar xvf ge7.1.1.