Comment 7 for bug 1577948

Revision history for this message
Seth Arnold (seth-arnold) wrote : Re: [Bug 1577948] Re: unmatched entries for apparmor STATUS messages

On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 11:56:09PM -0000, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> Thanks for the additional information. I've seen the snap profile_*
> messages in my logwatch output as unmatched, but want to understand them
> more before filtering them.
> As to the general unconfined entries, how can we best distinguish
> between the normal behavior and exception cases?

Loading and reloading policies happens all the time and can probably be
filtered out in a log summarizing tool. (They might still be bad if an
attacker has replaced policies with ones that are wide-open.)

A quick skim through the kernel sources shows a lot of other possible
info= strings, too many to itemize them all, and also it'd take a while to
figure out which ones could happen with profile=unconfined.

If you want to filter out operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined"
and operation="profile_replace" profile="unconfined" lines, that'd
probably be a good start.
