Be warned that @filbo's method sort of requires §compressext xz§ cuz otherwise the XZ-compressed files end in gz but still are xz files. Or at least on 12.04 it does.
As an semi-offtopic, I added §nomail§ to not get that uselessness into mail files on the computer, and §notifempty§ is also worth the trouble. The latter is already added to most logrotate configs, and you can find each file which doesn't have, with §grep -L 'notifempty' /etc/logrotate.d/*§.
Be warned that @filbo's method sort of requires §compressext xz§ cuz otherwise the XZ-compressed files end in gz but still are xz files. Or at least on 12.04 it does.
As an semi-offtopic, I added §nomail§ to not get that uselessness into mail files on the computer, and §notifempty§ is also worth the trouble. The latter is already added to most logrotate configs, and you can find each file which doesn't have, with §grep -L 'notifempty' /etc/logrotate. d/*§.