Comment #13 : Bug #1489329 : Bugs : location-service package : Ubuntu

Comment 13 for bug 1489329

Revision history for this message
WESERTRAINER Flight Training (s-service) wrote :

First of all: Partially Success !

Deleting /var/lib/ubuntu-location-service/config.ini and restarting device seems to unlock the GPS-Functionality at all !

A first position fix has only been available after connect to WIFI Network.

SensorStatus shows continously updated position data. Also UNAV has been able to locate the correct position.

unfortunately after two or three minutes GPS falls asleep and stops updating position data in SensorStatus.

Also UNAV stops updating position data.

After restarting SensorStatus and also restarting UNAV refreshes position data. Restarting UNAV only leads to an error report by UNAV: No access to GPS.

The output of

ubuntu-location-serviced-cli --bus system --get --property visible_space_vehicles

is also satellite data and additionally:

Attempted to unregister path (path[0] = com path[1] = ubuntu) which isn't registered

But I don't know what that means !

My general impression: Perhaps the GPS-problems may be caused by incorrect interaction with the power-management software