- The bootable buildd image work that recently merged into the
ubuntu/master (focal) branch inadvertently enabled the updates and
security pockets in /etc/apt/sources.list
- By switching the image format from 'none' to 'ext4', we now hit this
block in livecd-rootfs:
- Once the bootable buildd image work is backported to bionic, the
updates and security pockets will be enabled there, too.
- Even with these changes, the bootable images are built only with
packages from the release pocket. If we'd like to pull in the latest
packages from updates or security, we could do something like the
following attached MP:
- Is this something that we want to do? Some of my thoughts:
- Snapcraft is the only group consuming the bootable images, and if
snaps are always built with updates, this will save a lot of time.
- The original release plan included gating bootable images on
launchpad giving a +1 on the lxd tarballs. That will be less
useful if the images have widely different contents.
sergiusens and cjwatson,
after more digging, I've found:
- The bootable buildd image work that recently merged into the sources. list
ubuntu/master (focal) branch inadvertently enabled the updates and
security pockets in /etc/apt/
- By switching the image format from 'none' to 'ext4', we now hit this
block in livecd-rootfs:
https:/ /git.launchpad. net/livecd- rootfs/ tree/live- build/functions ?id=8f76e539b1c 8f4473dbf4627a0 961bdb3732c7c6# n771
- Once the bootable buildd image work is backported to bionic, the
updates and security pockets will be enabled there, too.
- Even with these changes, the bootable images are built only with
packages from the release pocket. If we'd like to pull in the latest
packages from updates or security, we could do something like the
following attached MP:
https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~davidkrau ser/livecd- rootfs/ +git/livecd- rootfs/ +ref/buildd- image-perform- upgrade
- Is this something that we want to do? Some of my thoughts:
- Snapcraft is the only group consuming the bootable images, and if
snaps are always built with updates, this will save a lot of time.
- The original release plan included gating bootable images on
launchpad giving a +1 on the lxd tarballs. That will be less
useful if the images have widely different contents.