Okay, re-tested on dapper with different, but still bad results.
To wit:
I booted the Breezy live cd, observed that sound worked, but was extremely quiet. I had to turn my amplifier up to max (which is dangerous, as other input might cause it to blast and damage my childrens' hearing) in order to hear the sound.
Then I re-installed from scratch using the Breezy install cd. Now sound does *not* work at all, as described in great detail earlier in this thread. Interesting that it works in live cd but not after install, eh?
Then I dist-upgraded to current dapper and rebooted. Now sound works, but again too quietly to be usable.
Then, I messed with the volume controls. I enabled all the various strangely-named controls and turned them all up to max. No change.
Then I unmuted the one called "center" and the one called "LFE". This killed the sound (totem was in the middle of playing an ogg file while I did it, and immediately everything went silent even though totem thought it was still playing). The sound could not be repaired either by re-muting those two controls, running "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart", restarting totem.
So I rebooted. I observed this time (now that my amplifier is turned up to max) that the startup sound that comes with the Ubuntu splash screen is scratchy and cuts out, which is exactly the same behavior that I have always observed.
Always, that is, since I upgraded from Warty Warthog, which Just Worked.
So please re-open this bug.
Meanwhile, perhaps I'll re-install Warty Warthog on this system so that my son can have sound in his games.
Okay, re-tested on dapper with different, but still bad results.
To wit:
I booted the Breezy live cd, observed that sound worked, but was extremely quiet. I had to turn my amplifier up to max (which is dangerous, as other input might cause it to blast and damage my childrens' hearing) in order to hear the sound.
Then I re-installed from scratch using the Breezy install cd. Now sound does *not* work at all, as described in great detail earlier in this thread. Interesting that it works in live cd but not after install, eh?
Then I dist-upgraded to current dapper and rebooted. Now sound works, but again too quietly to be usable.
Then, I messed with the volume controls. I enabled all the various strangely-named controls and turned them all up to max. No change.
Then I unmuted the one called "center" and the one called "LFE". This killed the sound (totem was in the middle of playing an ogg file while I did it, and immediately everything went silent even though totem thought it was still playing). The sound could not be repaired either by re-muting those two controls, running "sudo /etc/init. d/alsa- utils restart", restarting totem.
So I rebooted. I observed this time (now that my amplifier is turned up to max) that the startup sound that comes with the Ubuntu splash screen is scratchy and cuts out, which is exactly the same behavior that I have always observed.
Always, that is, since I upgraded from Warty Warthog, which Just Worked.
So please re-open this bug.
Meanwhile, perhaps I'll re-install Warty Warthog on this system so that my son can have sound in his games.