Comment 52 for bug 561210

Revision history for this message
Timo Harmonen (timo-harmonen) wrote :

So this fix is also in Maverick beta? Unfortunately then it does not seem to fix those problems I'm having.

I installed Maverick beta (2.6.35-19-server, amd64, clean installation) under kvm and was able to repro some of my earlier problems.

I see this most often when using torretflux to download multiple large (1GB) files simultaneously and save them on a nfs-mounted folder. This is the easiest method to repro this in Lucid, and seems to trigger the case also in Maverick. I have had this problem also when using emusicj (java) mp3 downloader and when renaming multiple image files with renrot (these methods I have tried only in Lucid). These all process files over nfs, but don't utilize CPU that much.

I wrote some simple test scripts to try to repro this. First script uses dd to read and write several files simultaneously, but that hanged only once (syslog1 attached) even if I let it run for hours. Another script downloads simultaneously six 8MB files using wget, and that seemed to hang more easily. I run it twice, and both times it hanged (dmesg2, dmesg3).