Here's an example of what I mean:
warcraft scott% wget -q warcraft scott% md5sum karmic-moblin-remix-i386.iso 91e4f415767a45617f0cbfc5b0abd19c karmic-moblin-remix-i386.iso warcraft root# sync warcraft scott% md5sum karmic-moblin-remix-i386.iso 26c3177ae594a3713b0e318e12e91e1b karmic-moblin-remix-i386.iso
I assume the change is that the file is no longer in the page cache
Here's an example of what I mean:
warcraft scott% wget -q http:// cdimages. ubuntu. com/ubuntu- moblin- remix/daily- live/current/ karmic- moblin- remix-i386. iso moblin- remix-i386. iso 17f0cbfc5b0abd1 9c karmic- moblin- remix-i386. iso moblin- remix-i386. iso 13b0e318e12e91e 1b karmic- moblin- remix-i386. iso
warcraft scott% md5sum karmic-
warcraft root# sync
warcraft scott% md5sum karmic-
I assume the change is that the file is no longer in the page cache