Also, the result of this quick test from anyone who sees this bug, would be appreciated. If you have a ext3 fs/any other fs on some partition(or a sufficiently large file which is formated as a fs other than ext4) then please do the following:
A) ensure that your blocksize if 4096 bytes by looking at the output of dumpe2fs -h <partition which has ext4>
B) from the same output see if you can find "extent" in the line which has "Filesystem features"
C) post the output dumpe2fs -h <partition which has ext4>
if blocksize is 4096 bytes then:
1) download the iso on this ext3/other filesystem
2) dd if=<iso name> of=/dev/<ext*4* partition>/<some file name> bs=512MB count=1
3) the md5sum should be: faf49ac5a653e339f84a8dd0b7c047dc
(Note that bs=512MB writes 512000000 bytes... if you write 536870912 bytes (i.e 4096 * 131072) then the md5sum should be this:
bcbc14f5bfc9229995afaf786bbb2445) Please report if the md5sum matches or not. Thanks for your help :)
Also, the result of this quick test from anyone who sees this bug, would be appreciated. If you have a ext3 fs/any other fs on some partition(or a sufficiently large file which is formated as a fs other than ext4) then please do the following:
A) ensure that your blocksize if 4096 bytes by looking at the output of dumpe2fs -h <partition which has ext4>
B) from the same output see if you can find "extent" in the line which has "Filesystem features"
C) post the output dumpe2fs -h <partition which has ext4>
if blocksize is 4096 bytes then:
1) download the iso on this ext3/other filesystem 9f84a8dd0b7c047 dc
2) dd if=<iso name> of=/dev/<ext*4* partition>/<some file name> bs=512MB count=1
3) the md5sum should be: faf49ac5a653e33
(Note that bs=512MB writes 512000000 bytes... if you write 536870912 bytes (i.e 4096 * 131072) then the md5sum should be this: 995afaf786bbb24 45) Please report if the md5sum matches or not. Thanks for your help :)