It seems that the desired functionality has hit mainline (v2.6.35 and later), that HPA will start enabled but will be unlocked should the partitions require it:
commit d8d9129ea28e2177749627c82962feb26e8d11e9
Author: Tejun Heo <email address hidden>
Date: Sat May 15 20:09:34 2010 +0200
libata: implement on-demand HPA unlocking
This should mean we can drop the patch below:
commit eaea8ccbd3adf0b36942ae834eaa825094772c95
Author: Scott James Remnant <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Mar 3 14:20:01 2009 +0000
UBUNTU: SAUCE: (no-up) libata: Ignore HPA by default.
Propose we drop this in Natty and see what happens. A call for testing will likely be appropriate.
It seems that the desired functionality has hit mainline (v2.6.35 and later), that HPA will start enabled but will be unlocked should the partitions require it:
commit d8d9129ea28e217 7749627c82962fe b26e8d11e9
Author: Tejun Heo <email address hidden>
Date: Sat May 15 20:09:34 2010 +0200
libata: implement on-demand HPA unlocking
This should mean we can drop the patch below:
commit eaea8ccbd3adf0b 36942ae834eaa82 5094772c95
Author: Scott James Remnant <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Mar 3 14:20:01 2009 +0000
UBUNTU: SAUCE: (no-up) libata: Ignore HPA by default.
Propose we drop this in Natty and see what happens. A call for testing will likely be appropriate.