Comment 6 for bug 332631

Revision history for this message
Adam (adam-jackman) wrote :

It looks like I have the same issue, but instead of a hanging system, Banshee is exiting too.

Jul 6 22:49:09 Noisy pulseaudio[23214]: pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting.
Jul 6 22:49:09 Noisy pulseaudio[23214]: alsa-util.c: Cannot find fallback mixer control "PCM" or mixer control is no combination of switch/volume.
Jul 6 22:49:09 Noisy pulseaudio[23214]: alsa-util.c: Cannot find fallback mixer control "Mic" or mixer control is no combination of switch/volume.
Jul 6 22:49:09 Noisy pulseaudio[23214]: alsa-util.c: Device hw:1 doesn't support 44100 Hz, changed to 16000 Hz.
Jul 6 22:49:09 Noisy pulseaudio[23214]: alsa-util.c: Device hw:1 doesn't support 2 channels, changed to 1.
Jul 6 22:49:09 Noisy pulseaudio[23214]: module-alsa-source.c: Your kernel driver is broken: it reports a volume range from 18.00 dB to 18.00 dB which makes no sense.