There are two bugs here, for two separate hotkeys; one is an acpi-support bug, the other is a kernel bug.
[Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] received event "hotkey ATKD 0000005c 00000001" [Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] notifying client 5408[107:116] [Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] notifying client 5735[0:0] [Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] notifying client 5735[0:0] [Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] executing action "/etc/acpi/" [Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] BEGIN HANDLER MESSAGES [Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] END HANDLER MESSAGES [Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] action exited with status 0 [Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] completed event "hotkey ATKD 0000005c 00000001" doesn't work any more because it depends on acpi_fakekey. This needs to be handled in the kernel.
[Thu Apr 17 12:32:39 2008] received event "hotkey ATKD 0000008a 00000001" [Thu Apr 17 12:32:39 2008] notifying client 5408[107:116] [Thu Apr 17 12:32:39 2008] notifying client 5735[0:0] [Thu Apr 17 12:32:39 2008] notifying client 5735[0:0] [Thu Apr 17 12:32:39 2008] completed event "hotkey ATKD 0000008a 00000001"
This needs to be implemented in acpi-support (at least, as long as we're still using acpi-support for this).
There are two bugs here, for two separate hotkeys; one is an acpi-support bug, the other is a kernel bug.
[Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] received event "hotkey ATKD 0000005c 00000001" lockbtn. sh"
[Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] notifying client 5408[107:116]
[Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] notifying client 5735[0:0]
[Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] notifying client 5735[0:0]
[Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] executing action "/etc/acpi/
[Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] BEGIN HANDLER MESSAGES
[Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] END HANDLER MESSAGES
[Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] action exited with status 0
[Thu Apr 17 12:46:56 2008] completed event "hotkey ATKD 0000005c 00000001" doesn't work any more because it depends on acpi_fakekey. This needs to be handled in the kernel.
[Thu Apr 17 12:32:39 2008] received event "hotkey ATKD 0000008a 00000001"
[Thu Apr 17 12:32:39 2008] notifying client 5408[107:116]
[Thu Apr 17 12:32:39 2008] notifying client 5735[0:0]
[Thu Apr 17 12:32:39 2008] notifying client 5735[0:0]
[Thu Apr 17 12:32:39 2008] completed event "hotkey ATKD 0000008a 00000001"
This needs to be implemented in acpi-support (at least, as long as we're still using acpi-support for this).