Comment 19 for bug 2032933

Revision history for this message
Philip Roche (philroche) wrote :

I have uploaded further data now to with kernelmodules, kernelconfig, services, timers etc. for each of the three images being inspected. This additional data was gathered with a modified fork of the `server-test-scripts` repo @

It seems that most of the mem and process increase is attributed to the kernel change and we know that this was a conscious decision with the following reported bugs supporting that decision.


Given the above I feel what we can work on is whether any of the process/modules introduced by the switch to the generic kernel should be omitted for the minimal images.

The best, easiest source of this information is the data gathered from the latest image with both the generic kernel and the switch to the new minimal seed -

@seth-arnold You highlighted `ksmd`. Are there any others that concern you.

@paelzer Are you happy to adjust your regression testing/metrics gathering to increase the memory required knowing that it was a conscious decision to switch kernel and incur the performance hit for the benefit of using a kernel with more support and less reported bugs?