Here is VMware's analysis: .
They point the finger at this backport: , which they say only works as part of a larger series, I guess , although I didn't check which of those made it into Linus' tree. I don't know anything about this subsystem or which patches from the series are actually needed to fix this issue, but the series does seem fairly hefty for an SRU, so perhaps a revert would be preferable?
Here is VMware's analysis: https:/ /communities. vmware. com/t5/ VMware- Fusion- Discussions/ EDITED- Workaround- for-Ubuntu- 22-10-displayin g-blank- screen- after/m- p/2955292/ highlight/ true#M182008 .
They point the finger at this backport: https:/ /git.launchpad. net/~ubuntu- kernel/ ubuntu/ +source/ linux/+ git/kinetic/ commit/ ?id=89314ff239e 1933357419fa91b 20190150f114a8 , which they say only works as part of a larger series, I guess https:/ /patchwork. freedesktop. org/series/ 106040/ , although I didn't check which of those made it into Linus' tree. I don't know anything about this subsystem or which patches from the series are actually needed to fix this issue, but the series does seem fairly hefty for an SRU, so perhaps a revert would be preferable?