I have done the basic sanity test by following the below test cases with linux/5.15.0-43.46 kernel.
1. Test NVMe/TCP initiator support with the kernel
2. Create nvme
3. Connect and mount the luns
4. Complile and test libnvme and nvme-stas packages from github
Have not faced any issue with the NVMe/TCP connection and with the latest nvme packages except socket connection error: -111 and -110 at some point. I have attached the sos report for reference.
Hi Michael,
I have done the basic sanity test by following the below test cases with linux/5.15.0-43.46 kernel.
1. Test NVMe/TCP initiator support with the kernel
2. Create nvme
3. Connect and mount the luns
4. Complile and test libnvme and nvme-stas packages from github
Have not faced any issue with the NVMe/TCP connection and with the latest nvme packages except socket connection error: -111 and -110 at some point. I have attached the sos report for reference.