SRU Justification
CIFS team is requesting below patch to be backported for 5.4 Azure tuned kernel
A customer is encountering the bug fixed by this patch.
7d397a034d5c45528c7bdf7fc3752c4793029cce cifs: rename reconn_inval_dfs_target() 7d6535b720421d58886d5590ffc3617d359aa871 cifs: Simplify reconnect code when dfs upcall is enabled 4e456b30f78c429b183db420e23b26cde7e03a78 cifs: On cifs_reconnect, resolve the hostname again.
The first 2 patches are scaffolding to make the backport simpler. the 3rd patch is the bug fix.
[Test Plan]
The test kernel at has been found to fix the issue.
[Where problems could occur]
This could perturb CIFS connections in new and different ways.
SRU Justification
CIFS team is requesting below patch to be backported for 5.4 Azure tuned kernel
https:/ /git.kernel. org/pub/ scm/linux/ kernel/ git/torvalds/ linux.git/ commit/ ?id=4e456b30f78 c429b183db420e2 3b26cde7e03a78
A customer is encountering the bug fixed by this patch.
7d397a034d5c455 28c7bdf7fc3752c 4793029cce cifs: rename reconn_ inval_dfs_ target( ) 8886d5590ffc361 7d359aa871 cifs: Simplify reconnect code when dfs upcall is enabled b183db420e23b26 cde7e03a78 cifs: On cifs_reconnect, resolve the hostname again.
The first 2 patches are scaffolding to make the backport simpler. the 3rd patch is the bug fix.
[Test Plan]
The test kernel at https:/ /launchpad. net/~timg- tpi/+archive/ ubuntu/ cifs-reconnect- sf00309672 has been found to fix the issue.
[Where problems could occur]
This could perturb CIFS connections in new and different ways.