I have reverted the following two commits from Ubuntu-5.4.0-44.48 and the test is now successfully:
commit 78aedad3a6b9264a27f30d2c1cf50e6f94d22530 Author: Eric Dumazet <email address hidden> Date: Thu May 28 14:57:47 2020 -0700
net: be more gentle about silly gso requests coming from user
BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1883184
[ Upstream commit 7c6d2ecbda83150b2036a2b36b21381ad4667762 ]
commit 3bfeea9b0b203e14acb2c9ba122da08e3a6eb93c Author: Willem de Bruijn <email address hidden> Date: Mon May 25 15:07:40 2020 -0400
net: check untrusted gso_size at kernel entry
[ Upstream commit 6dd912f82680761d8fb6b1bb274a69d4c7010988 ]
The description from 7c6d2ecbda really seems to match the change that's causing the testcase to not fail anymore.
I have reverted the following two commits from Ubuntu-5.4.0-44.48 and the test is now successfully:
commit 78aedad3a6b9264 a27f30d2c1cf50e 6f94d22530
Author: Eric Dumazet <email address hidden>
Date: Thu May 28 14:57:47 2020 -0700
net: be more gentle about silly gso requests coming from user
BugLink: https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/bugs/ 1883184
[ Upstream commit 7c6d2ecbda83150 b2036a2b36b2138 1ad4667762 ]
commit 3bfeea9b0b203e1 4acb2c9ba122da0 8e3a6eb93c
Author: Willem de Bruijn <email address hidden>
Date: Mon May 25 15:07:40 2020 -0400
net: check untrusted gso_size at kernel entry
BugLink: https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/bugs/ 1883184
[ Upstream commit 6dd912f82680761 d8fb6b1bb274a69 d4c7010988 ]
The description from 7c6d2ecbda really seems to match the change that's causing the testcase to not fail anymore.