This series of patches broke:
Commit drm/amdgpu: fix gfx hang during suspend with video playback (v2)
has a known issue and already has a fix in upstream:
However this fix has not been backported to 18.04 LTS HWE, thus leaving Ryzen systems with integrated GPUs unable to shutdown or reboot.
This series of patches broke:
https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ linux-meta- hwe/+bug/ 1880041/ comments/ 19
drm/amdgpu: fix gfx hang during suspend with video playback (v2)
https:/ /kernel. ubuntu. com/git/ ubuntu/ ubuntu- bionic. git/commit/ ?id=6ad2b975986 441870a9a67051f 9571b5c09c2569
has a known issue and already has a fix in upstream: /gitlab. freedesktop. org/drm/ amd/-/issues/ 1094
However this fix has not been backported to 18.04 LTS HWE, thus leaving Ryzen systems with integrated GPUs unable to shutdown or reboot.