Test2: Crashed (took less than 5 seconds to crash)
Fully updated ubuntu, using Scaleway's ubuntu image. (4.15.0-60-generic)
Also turned off appamour, SELinux not installed (systemctl disable apparmor.service and rebooted)
Crash: https://gist.github.com/FingerlessGlov3s/fe3b5e6b89986b397e20bc5474049584
Test3: Working
Fully updated ubuntu, using Scaleway's ubuntu image. using old kernel (4.15.0-58-generic)
Just ask if you want any more information or testing.
Tested using the docker-compose.yml with original docker-compose.yml with every container but unbound using -dns.
Test1: Crashed (took less than 1 minutes to crash) /gist.github. com/FingerlessG lov3s/f829642cf c6390c975ca89be 3b0d685a
Fully updated ubuntu, using Scaleway's ubuntu image. (4.15.0-60-generic)
Crash: https:/
Test2: Crashed (took less than 5 seconds to crash) /gist.github. com/FingerlessG lov3s/fe3b5e6b8 9986b397e20bc54 74049584
Fully updated ubuntu, using Scaleway's ubuntu image. (4.15.0-60-generic)
Also turned off appamour, SELinux not installed (systemctl disable apparmor.service and rebooted)
Crash: https:/
Test3: Working
Fully updated ubuntu, using Scaleway's ubuntu image. using old kernel (4.15.0-58-generic)
Just ask if you want any more information or testing.