Now, once you have that, recreate the initramfs so that the "setting" is available on the initial boot (before the drives are booted and mounted).
update-initramfs -k all -c -t -v
I assume this is not a fix for the underlying issue (problems with the handling of it8212 cards) but for users with individual disks, not RAIDs, it seems to work.
I can confirm that upgrading to 2.6.24-5.9 does not solve the problem. However, the workaround described by forum user pefdus in this ubuntuforum post works: http:// ubuntuforums. org/showpost. php?p=4001806& postcount= 23
add the following to /etc/modprobe. d/options
options pata_it821x noraid=1
Now, once you have that, recreate the initramfs so that the "setting" is available on the initial boot (before the drives are booted and mounted).
update-initramfs -k all -c -t -v
I assume this is not a fix for the underlying issue (problems with the handling of it8212 cards) but for users with individual disks, not RAIDs, it seems to work.