Was able to make it work with 5.2-rc7 kernel with this repo: https://github.com/EntropicEffect/rtl8822bu with this patch: https://github.com/EntropicEffect/rtl8822bu/commit/70d7b10a2eafdbf36ee64790646d74b5baf3a807.diff and it's connecting with protected/secure networks unlike the other repo.
Was able to make it work with 5.2-rc7 kernel with this repo: https:/ /github. com/EntropicEff ect/rtl8822bu with this patch: https:/ /github. com/EntropicEff ect/rtl8822bu/ commit/ 70d7b10a2eafdbf 36ee64790646d74 b5baf3a807. diff and it's connecting with protected/secure networks unlike the other repo.