Comment 210 for bug 1791427

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ssss (sergeylarionov) wrote :

I just did a little experiment and I think now I have trackpad waking up after s3 sleep:

I have 20KH006HRT - Thinkpad Carbon X1 6th Gen with NFC chip, and since I first set it up according to arch wiki I had trackpad not working every time I close and open the lid.
Tried all sugestions, nothing changed anything, and as a last resort I wanted to reinstall everything clean. So what I did was I went to the bios and restored to the factory settings, then I installed windows 10, downloaded lenovo drivers, installed all updates including firmware (it only had ssd firmware to update because I managed to update everything with fwupdmgr before), then I installed latest arch and turns out the trackpad now is keep working after going to sleep!

I figured windows didn't help much because I already had the updates, so I looked into the BIOS configurations changes and turns out that when I disable Fingerprint reader in bios Security tab I/O settings - the trackpad stops working again, so that must be the problem.

I'm attaching the bios configuration that works for me