Comment 11 for bug 1791427

Revision history for this message
ALinuxUser (buntulongername-new) wrote :

@Hua Zhang

Thanks. On Mint Cinnamon - which doesn't use the Gnome Desktop Environment - I find that, in Dconf editor, there is no 'disabled' option. (Perhaps you were using a terminal rather than the GUI?) However, there was a 'none' option. Selecting it . . made no difference to the problem. Note that, at least on my system, the problem occurs only after a fairly long (>10 minutes?) period of sleep. Still, I did not try to combine this ostensible fix with any of the many others that are floating around.

Note also this irony: after this webpage has 'slept' - been inactive for a while - trying to post a comment generates this error: (<Bug at 0x7f2b2a450550>, 'newMessage', 'launchpad.Edit'). Well, unless the problem was caused by my pinning the tab in Firefox.