Comment 107 for bug 1791427

Revision history for this message
ALinuxUser (buntulongername-new) wrote :


I thought I had added that. I'll add it again and remove most of my other kernel flags, in case they were causing a problem. Indeed I have discovered a problem with the flags that I was using, namely, that as well as having the correct (correct for testing) `psmouse` option, I had additionally a garbled version of that. Apologies.*

This time the interrupt file was *not* empty. Note though that I echoed stuff to it three times (rather than two) because, the second time I did it, I forgot to touch the touchpad first. Note also that I have a wireless mouse on the system.

* Perhaps the reason that I have not been as diligent as I might have been is that this procedure is a chore. For, I must: switch to the special kernel; change kernel flags; change my blacklisting; reboot (which requires entering up to three passwords); change BIOS sleep settings; put the computer to sleep for a good period; wake it up; test the touchpad; gather logs (using a mouse); and then (because of the vpn problem) undo everything and post the results.