Dear Canonical,
We found that the current Ubuntu kernel contains a problem related to qla2xxx driver which causes:
[ 66.295233] Unable to handle kernel paging request for data at address 0x8882f6ed90e9151a [ 66.295297] Faulting instruction address: 0xc00000000038a110 cpu 0x50: Vector: 380 (Data Access Out of Range) at [c00000000692f650] pc: c00000000038a110: kmem_cache_alloc_node+0x2f0/0x350 lr: c00000000038a0fc: kmem_cache_alloc_node+0x2dc/0x350 sp: c00000000692f8d0 msr: 9000000000009033 dar: 8882f6ed90e9151a current = 0xc00000000698fd00 paca = 0xc00000000fab7000 softe: 0 irq_happened: 0x01 pid = 1762, comm = systemd-journal Linux version 4.15.0-20-generic (buildd@bos02-ppc64el-002) (gcc version 7.3.0 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-14ubuntu1)) #16-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 4 13:57:51 UTC 2018 (Ubuntu 4.15.0-20.21-generic 4.15.20) enter ? for help [c00000000692f8d0] c000000000389fd4 kmem_cache_alloc_node+0x1b4/0x350 (unreliable) [c00000000692f940] c000000000b2ec6c __alloc_skb+0x6c/0x220 [c00000000692f9a0] c000000000b30b6c alloc_skb_with_frags+0x7c/0x2e0 [c00000000692fa30] c000000000b247cc sock_alloc_send_pskb+0x29c/0x2c0 [c00000000692fae0] c000000000c5705c unix_dgram_sendmsg+0x15c/0x8f0 [c00000000692fbc0] c000000000b1ec64 sock_sendmsg+0x64/0x90 [c00000000692fbf0] c000000000b20abc ___sys_sendmsg+0x31c/0x390 [c00000000692fd90] c000000000b221ec __sys_sendmsg+0x5c/0xc0 [c00000000692fe30] c00000000000b184 system_call+0x58/0x6c --- Exception: c00 (System Call) at 000074826f6fa9c4 SP (7ffff5dc5510) is in userspace
We were able to get rid of this problem cherry picking some of the upstream patches. Do you think they might fit in the SRU criteria?
The commit ids are below and they were easily cherry picked.
eaf75d1815dad230dac2f1e8f1dc0349b2d50071: scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free bug after firmware timeout 6d67492764b39ad6efb6822816ad73dc141752f4: scsi: qla2xxx: Prevent relogin trigger from sending too many commands 7ac0c332f96bb9688560726f5e80c097ed8de59a: scsi: qla2xxx: Fix warning in qla2x00_async_iocb_timeout() 045d6ea200af794ba15515984cff63787a7fc3c0: scsi: qla2xxx: Don't call dma_free_coherent with IRQ disabled. 1ae634eb28533b82f9777a47c1ade44cb8c0182b: scsi: qla2xxx: Serialize session free in qlt_free_session_done d8630bb95f46ea118dede63bd75533faa64f9612: scsi: qla2xxx: Serialize session deletion by using work_lock Requries: 1c6cacf4ea6c04a58a0e3057f5ed60c24a4ffeff ('scsi: qla2xxx: Fixup locking for session deletion') 94cff6e114df56d0df74cdabe3481df38d9b0c1e: scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused argument from qlt_schedule_sess_for_dele? 9cd883f07a54e5301d51e259acd250bb035996be: scsi: qla2xxx: Fix session cleanup for N2N
Dear Canonical,
We found that the current Ubuntu kernel contains a problem related to qla2xxx driver which causes:
[ 66.295233] Unable to handle kernel paging request for data at address 0x8882f6ed90e9151a alloc_node+ 0x2f0/0x350 alloc_node+ 0x2dc/0x350 bos02-ppc64el- 002) (gcc version 7.3.0 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-14ubuntu1)) #16-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 4 13:57:51 UTC 2018 (Ubuntu 4.15.0- 20.21-generic 4.15.20) alloc_node+ 0x1b4/0x350 (unreliable) skb+0x6c/ 0x220 with_frags+ 0x7c/0x2e0 send_pskb+ 0x29c/0x2c0 sendmsg+ 0x15c/0x8f0 0x64/0x90 sendmsg+ 0x31c/0x390 0x5c/0xc0 call+0x58/ 0x6c
[ 66.295297] Faulting instruction address: 0xc00000000038a110
cpu 0x50: Vector: 380 (Data Access Out of Range) at [c00000000692f650]
pc: c00000000038a110: kmem_cache_
lr: c00000000038a0fc: kmem_cache_
sp: c00000000692f8d0
msr: 9000000000009033
dar: 8882f6ed90e9151a
current = 0xc00000000698fd00
paca = 0xc00000000fab7000 softe: 0 irq_happened: 0x01
pid = 1762, comm = systemd-journal
Linux version 4.15.0-20-generic (buildd@
enter ? for help
[c00000000692f8d0] c000000000389fd4 kmem_cache_
[c00000000692f940] c000000000b2ec6c __alloc_
[c00000000692f9a0] c000000000b30b6c alloc_skb_
[c00000000692fa30] c000000000b247cc sock_alloc_
[c00000000692fae0] c000000000c5705c unix_dgram_
[c00000000692fbc0] c000000000b1ec64 sock_sendmsg+
[c00000000692fbf0] c000000000b20abc ___sys_
[c00000000692fd90] c000000000b221ec __sys_sendmsg+
[c00000000692fe30] c00000000000b184 system_
--- Exception: c00 (System Call) at 000074826f6fa9c4
SP (7ffff5dc5510) is in userspace
We were able to get rid of this problem cherry picking some of the upstream patches. Do you think they might fit in the SRU criteria?
The commit ids are below and they were easily cherry picked.
eaf75d1815dad23 0dac2f1e8f1dc03 49b2d50071: scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free bug after firmware timeout 6efb6822816ad73 dc141752f4: scsi: qla2xxx: Prevent relogin trigger from sending too many commands 88560726f5e80c0 97ed8de59a: scsi: qla2xxx: Fix warning in qla2x00_ async_iocb_ timeout( ) ba15515984cff63 787a7fc3c0: scsi: qla2xxx: Don't call dma_free_coherent with IRQ disabled. 2f9777a47c1ade4 4cb8c0182b: scsi: qla2xxx: Serialize session free in qlt_free_ session_ done 18dede63bd75533 faa64f9612: scsi: qla2xxx: Serialize session deletion by using work_lock 58a0e3057f5ed60 c24a4ffeff ('scsi: qla2xxx: Fixup locking for session deletion') 0df74cdabe3481d f38d9b0c1e: scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused argument from qlt_schedule_ sess_for_ dele? 01d51e259acd250 bb035996be: scsi: qla2xxx: Fix session cleanup for N2N
Requries: 1c6cacf4ea6c04a