- Bug #1755118
- Comment #1
Comment 1 for bug 1755118
Revision history for this message
Po-Hsu Lin (cypressyew) wrote : Re: Unable to create KVM with uvtool on Artful ppc64le system | #1 |
- .sys.firmware.opal.msglog.txt Edit (146.4 KiB, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- CRDA.txt Edit (454 bytes, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- CurrentDmesg.txt Edit (70.1 KiB, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- Dependencies.txt Edit (3.4 KiB, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- DeviceTree.tar.gz Edit (121.3 KiB, application/x-gzip)
- JournalErrors.txt Edit (49.7 KiB, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- Lspci.txt Edit (84.2 KiB, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- OpalElog.tar.gz Edit (130 bytes, application/x-gzip)
- ProcCpuinfo.txt Edit (17.5 KiB, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- ProcCpuinfoMinimal.txt Edit (225 bytes, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- ProcInterrupts.txt Edit (159.9 KiB, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- ProcLocks.txt Edit (1.5 KiB, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- ProcMisc.txt Edit (306 bytes, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- ProcModules.txt Edit (4.1 KiB, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- ProcPpc64.tar.gz Edit (503 bytes, application/x-gzip)
- UdevDb.txt Edit (268.8 KiB, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- WifiSyslog.txt Edit (170.9 KiB, text/plain; charset="utf-8")
- nvram.gz Edit (2.8 KiB, application/x-gzip)