Comment 22 for bug 1754584

Revision history for this message
Joshua Powers (powersj) wrote : Re: system process hung on container stop/delete

> Would it be possible for you to see if changing lxd
> to use btrfs instead of zfs on Bionic causes the bug?

Proposed Bionic kernel (4.15.0-12) + btrfs PASSED

4.16-rc4 + btrfs - PASSED
4.15.0-12 + btrfs - PASSED
4.15.0-12 + zfs - FAILS
4.15.0-10 + zfs - FAILS
4.13.0-32 + zfs - FAILS

4.15.0-12 zfs info:

filename: /lib/modules/4.15.0-12-generic/kernel/zfs/zfs/zfs.ko
version: 0.7.5-1ubuntu1
license: CDDL
author: OpenZFS on Linux
description: ZFS
srcversion: 9C78552EF2E79ADAE6389FB