This bug has reappeared with kernel 5.0.x for me, and is still there with 5.3.x
On an 18.04 system with kernel 4.15.x everything works fine.
When I installed linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04, CIFS on a domain based DFS stopped working, due to the switch first to kernel 5.0.x, then later to 5.3.x.
This bug has reappeared with kernel 5.0.x for me, and is still there with 5.3.x generic- hwe-18. 04, CIFS on a domain based DFS stopped working, due to the switch first to kernel 5.0.x, then later to 5.3.x.
On an 18.04 system with kernel 4.15.x everything works fine.
When I installed linux-image-